Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sister Weekend!!!!

 My sweet sisters and I had a wonderful weekend together! We haven't gotten all of us together since our kids were little, and I don't think we've had a weekend together alone since when WE were still kids playing twister and monopoly. Ah yes, monopoly, the game Jana always won. We let you win, girl, that's all. ;)

How do you like our toes?

We went to the Dallas Arboretum, and I have to say it had to be close to the experience of the Keukenhof gardens in The Netherlands, and a tiny taste of Heaven's garden. It was GORGEOUS! The day was gorgeous, the flowers were gorgeous, and I got to spend the day with gorgeous sissies! You big Sissy!

We had fun last weekend re-bonding, eating, watching a movie, soaking in the hot tub and 
left with promises to do this every year from now on. 

We women need our sisters, whether they are blood or just best friends who resemble what we'd hoped for in a close sibling. 

I am so so blessed to have sisters and a couple of friends who put on the sister skin for me. Who else but they can listen without needing to fix it,  just be there for you...hopefully non judgmentally with unconditional love like the Father above? They squeeze you...and pray for you. Thank you God for my blessings-my sisters and sisterfriends! If you don't have a close sister - then be one to someone. If they  come to your mind, they probably need you!

I think this verse speaks about being that kind of friend. We can think "woman" as we read it:

"A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."  -Proverbs 18:24

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