Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sheeple People

Why do so many people become sheeple and believe everything they see and read? Why don't more people grow up with the ability to think for themselves and discern real truth? Truth about God and our beginnings, truth in history, truth about every person's worth and purpose? I believe it's because we're abdicating our job as parents to lead and teach the truth. The idea of quality over quantity of time spent with children is a lie. If you are spending less time with them than peers, teachers and strangers, whose philosophy of life will they come away with?

We have earlier and earlier programs to educate and babysit our children paid for by public funds. Pretty soon we will be birthing babies and handing them straight over to mother government to indoctrinate and raise. Who can be bothered with all that messy educating and nurturing stuff?

When I read things about the Nazis and the children growing up in that society it makes me wonder if we're headed down the same road. Nazis believed they were a master race and believed evolutionary ideas of other races being inferior, so they had "perfect" young women and men having babies and handing them straight over to the government to raise and indoctrinate. They taught the children to abandon their Christian faith and families in favor of the state god.
"Defective" people were euthanized and they actually taught their children the value of this. An example from a schoolbook exercise:

"To keep a mentally ill person costs approximately 4 marks a day. There are 300,000 mentally ill people in care. How much do these people cost to keep in total? How many marriage loans of 1000 marks could be granted with this money?"

Interesting that some found Hitler totally sane, isn't it?

What are we as a society doing when we rake our babies and toddlers off our legs and shove them, from the beginning, through the door of a day care facility instead of raising our children ourselves? Is it any wonder that we have so many children with emotional attachment and behavioral problems?

You should also know what is being taught to your little ones. AND big ones, for that matter. From the cradle to the grave we are bombarded with false teaching about our origins and our value as human beings. We mistakenly think it is the government and the church's responsibility to teach our children what they need to know. I'm not knocking good public and private teachers. They are underpaid and underappreciated, but it is NOT their job to nurture, and teach our children everything they need to know. It's ultimately a heart issue. Morality cannot be taught without a belief in God. You can teach rules and punish for not getting the results you desire from children, but when they ask
why they have to act in a certain way, then what? Who says you have to share? Who says you shouldn't kill? We're just higher order animals who are marking time here on this crummy planet until we die, after which there is nothing. Right? To whom are we ultimately accountable? Whose job is it to bring up children? Scripture clearly teaches that it is the parent's responsibility.
"Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates."
-Deuteronomy 6:5-9

Tell me how you can do that without having a relationship with your children? If you rarely see them whose values do you think they will adapt? How will they learn to think for themselves when they are fed the same politically correct, morally bankrupt garbage year after year?

Some interesting thoughts from German and world history :

History was altered to reflect the Nazi view. Have you noticed that our history textbooks have become more global in the last few years?
Children were educated to be servants of the state in those days in Germany, not family and God.
Teachers were encouraged to forget facts. They were to teach "right" attitudes or "character" through feel-good experiences.
School discipline declined to an alarming extent.
The Nazi Party instructed teachers as to what they could and could not teach. Sound familiar?
There was an obsession with politically correct standards for right and wrong. German professors were warned: "From now on it is not up to you to decide whether or not something is true, but whether it is in the interest of the national Socialist Revolution."

People are fittingly called sheep and goats in scripture. We are so easily lead astray.

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